Crack open a cold one with the boys anakin skywalker
Crack open a cold one with the boys anakin skywalker

“I am sorry for all the misery I have caused, but I promise you I will never let your daughter down again” Jon apologized. Your mother wasn’t happy when she heard the news but after she came back to Westeros and saw that you’re happy, she gave you her blessing. “It does” you wrapped your hand around his face and kissed him.

crack open a cold one with the boys anakin skywalker

“I almost didn’t, but I realized there’s no point in denying our desire”. The day was almost over and he was about to leave when you showed up. I just really hope that I’ll see you” he kissed your forehead and left. I’ll meet you at the docks and if you’re not there, then I’ll know you don’t want to be with me and I’ll leave you alone and never return. “It’s alright, you have time to think about it till the day after tomorrow. We’ll go anywhere you want” he held your hand. “I’m not… I know you love me and you know I love you. Marry me! I know you’re not happy here and don’t try to deny it, Grey Worm told me”. I know I cannot bring our child back but I am willing to do anything to make it up to you if you’ll let me. “I made a mistake and tried everything to make up for it. “You killed me, Jon! How could I let you back into my life?”. Have I not proven my loyalty and devotion to you yet?”. “You’re not the only one with demons, Jon”. “I still can’t sleep at night” he informed you. There was silence in the room and you two kept staring at each other. Then I give my blessings if it means anything to you”. “I didn’t want you to think that they’d betray you or form an alliance to rebel against you. “Congratulations, I guess? You’ve come all this way to tell me that? You could’ve sent a raven”. “I was going to come to the throne room tomorrow but since you’re already awake, I came to say that Arya is getting married to Gendry”. You freed cities and tried to spare as much bloodshed as you could. If you’re this new heartless queen that you claim to be then you would’ve killed me and waged war against the North and South, not sparing anyone. “That’s because I know you’re still there. “Even after all those years, you still believe that woman exists. Calm, soft and loving not hiding behind a huge wall and pretending not to feel anything” he admitted. “What are you doing here? Are you in danger? Is that why you snuck in?”. “It’s just me” he lowered the hood, revealing his face. “Who sent you?” You asked, ready to strike. You were sitting in front of your mirror combing your hair when a hooded man sneaked into your room.Īs soon as you saw him standing behind you, you managed to grab your sword in time. Whenever you had business in the North, you’d send Grey Worm to deal with it, not wanting to see Jon and have feelings all over again. Your temper got worse with time and you were like fire.

crack open a cold one with the boys anakin skywalker

Multi fandom imagine supernatural game of thrones avengers star wars the witcher marvel peaky blinders shadow and bone supernatural imagine game of thrones imagine avengers imagine marvel imagine witcher imagine star wars imagine shadow and bone imagine dean winchester imagine sam winchester imagine steve rogers imagine tony stark imagine thor imagine bucky barnes imagine peaky blinders imagine dean winchester x reader sam winchester x reader steve rogers x reader tony stark x reader thor x reader darkling imagine bucky barnes x reader

crack open a cold one with the boys anakin skywalker

now that I have a lot on my plate.Īnd yeah I guess that’s it. Since I don’t know how many shows and movies I’ve watched in the past year, you can just request from any fandom and then I’ll tell you if I write for it.īut please be patient, it’ll probably take me longer to get requests done.

Crack open a cold one with the boys anakin skywalker update#

I’ll try to update it in the next few days and add/ remove some fandoms. I hope I’ll be able to give you more 🖤Ī lot has happened so my blog needs some sorting. I want to thank you all for continuing to support me and read my work. I have been really busy with uni, I still am but I’m inspired to write again. I know I’ve been MIA for a while now and I apologize for not telling you and just disappearing. Hello everyone! I hope everyone is doing fine.

Crack open a cold one with the boys anakin skywalker